
The word “Focus” has been an important word in my life recently and has been something God has been teaching me a lot about.

To start off, I have Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. So, in a very literal sense, I have an extreme inability to focus. My story with ADHD is a doozy. For most of my life, I was on a medication to help me focus in school. However about a year and a half ago, through a series of somewhat frightening medical events, I was taken off of medication abruptly and left to fend for myself. Learning to adjust to my raw, authentic ADHD was quite a journey. A hard journey full of a few ups and lots of downs. Between major withdrawals, and lots of breakdowns, I was left just completely disappointed in myself. Disappointed that I couldn’t learn like the other students around me. So, I am no longer able to sit through an entire class period without having to stand up at least once. I fidget so much I’ve had people switch seats so they could sit somewhere, anywhere, away from my constant movements.

I wanted my ability to focus back. In all senses of the word. My thoughts about focusing started in the classroom. I longed to be able to listen to everything a professor has to say. It puzzled me how someone could sit still for an entire lecture, with only their hands moving as it writes down notes. (That one I still don’t get though. How can people sit so still?! I may never know…) I wanted to know what it was like to be able to think about one thing with my full attention and wondered if I would be more successful if I could just think in a linear way if I just was normal.

So I began to pray each morning, “Lord, help me to focus.” Although I intended it simply for my ability to focus in college and lecture-like scenarios, that prayer took on a deeper meaning for me. I began to think about keeping my life focused in the direction God intends it to go. Part of that direction, for me, includes embracing my ADHD and allowing it to grow me.

Then, a few weeks ago, I was asked to speak to the 4th and 5th graders at my church on the story of Jesus and Peter walking on water in a huge storm. This miracle takes place in Matthew 15:25-33.

Jesus had just fed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and two fish. Then Jesus sent his disciples to go to their boat and go on ahead of him so he could find a quiet space to pray to God.

This part was really important. It’s short and simple, but very crucial to realize how even Jesus withdrew from the crows so he could be alone with God and he could turn his complete focus to his Father.

Meanwhile, the disciples were in the boat, in the middle of a huge storm. The waves were crashing, the winds were blowing them around. The boat was rocking back and forth, tossing and turning. Then, the disciples saw a figure walking toward them across the water. Thinking it was a ghost, they were terrified. But Jesus said to them, “Take courage. It is I. Do not be afraid.”

Peter, one of the scared disciples, asks Jesus that if it truly is him, the son of God, to ask him to walk on the water too.

Jesus responds, “Come”.

In the waves and in the winds, Peter steps out of the boat and steps onto the water. Looking right at Jesus, he takes a step. Then, he takes another step. He is walking on the water just as if it were dry land! His whole focus is on Jesus.

But then Peter remembers the storm that is raging around him. He looks down and he sees the huge winds that could knock him over, and he sees the huge waves that could crash over him, and drown him. He begins to be afraid. He shifts his focus to the storm. And the minute he does, he begins to sink. The moment he thinks about the storm is the moment it begins to affect him, and have power over him.

When he begins to sink, Peter cries out to Jesus, “Save me Lord! Save me!”

Jesus reaches out his hand, catches Peter and asks him, “You of little faith, why do you doubt me?”

They step back onto the boat, and immediately the storm ceases and all is still again. The disciples in the boat, who witnessed this miracle, shout praises proclaiming that “truly this man is the son of God!”

What I found interesting in this story though, was how Peter’s focus effected what had power in his life.

When Peter first walked on the water, his eyes were locked with Jesus. His entire attention was on Jesus alone. In that moment, Jesus had power over what happened with Peter. He allowed him to walk on water, an action physically impossible without a miracle of God.

But as soon as Peter looks down, as soon as Peter looked at the storm raging around him, he began to sink. The waves began to crash over him. The winds knocked him over. The storm began to have power over him.

Life is full of distractions. There are so many things that demand our attention throughout the day and throughout our lives. It’s important to make sure that in the midst of these things, we are still focusing on Jesus.

So when I have been praying for focus, quite literally, I have been praying for my ability to pay attention in important scenarios.

But what I’ve been really wrestling with recently, is the question of is my whole life focused on God? When I make decisions, am I making them for my benefit, or making sure I’m thinking directly about what God wants for me? Am I making God a priority in my day and am I spending time in His word, so I can find focus in Him.

Only when we turn our attention to the things that might knock us down, do we give them the power for them to break us. But if we turn out focus and our attention to God, we cannot be knocked down by anything of this world! With our eyes locked on Him, We Cannot Be Shaken!

Prayer for Abundant Life

Prayer for Abundant Life

John 10:10b:

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

Dear Lord, 

I thank you so deeply that You want abundant life for us, your children. You want us to have joy and have fun and be happy. I thank you that You don’t call us to a rule-following, boring life, but you call us to an amazing, exciting life. You give us an adventurous life, full of joy. I thank you for this abundant life you call us to.

I pray that we will see fruits of the abundant life now, but Lord may we see prosperity and abundance in our futures Lord.

But until we see that abundance you have set aside for us, may we have patience in the waiting. Patience, amidst wherever we are.

For if it’s not good, You’re not finished.

  May we know that change in our lives and change in our hearts is simply You setting up our lives for abundance. May we accept that change with joy because we are so deeply in tune with You, Lord, and we know who You are. This change is You preparing our lives for what is to come. May we have full trust in your timing.

For if it’s not good, You’re not finished.

May we be ready to open our hands and give up the bad things in our lives that we may have been reluctant to give to You, Lord. May our hearts be in the posture to be ready to let go of what we consider good in our lives, some of the things that we hold too tightly onto. May we allow You to come and do with those things whatever You desire. Lord, we give up everything in our lives to You. 

May our lives be simple and may we have an abundance of peace, overwhelming joy, optimism, patience, and love.

Bring your abundance Lord.


Worship song:


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Love Comes First

Recently, as I was reading through Isaiah 43, I had a verse stick out to me. 

Isaiah 43:4 ,”Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you. nations in exchange for your life.”

What really stood out to me were the words “because I love you..” In school, we had always been told not to start a sentence with the word “because”, and typically the phrase using the word “because” comes at the end of the sentence. However, having the word “because” in the beginning of the sentence changes a lot of the meaning. Intrigued by this interesting grammar, I set out to find all the places in the bible where the phrase “because I love you”came at the beginning of the sentence. Where the reason came before the action. I was surprised by what I found. The verses I found are listed at the end of this blog.

To further explain my point, I am going to use the verse Ephesians 2:4-5, “But because of His great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions -it is by grace you have been saved”    

To sum up: 

“Because of His great love for us, we have been made alive with Christ” 

The phrase containing “because” is at the beginning of the sentence!  Think about it this way. It could be said as 

“We have been made alive with Christ, because He has great love for us”

It sounds similar. Very similar. But the subtle difference in the swap of phrases, I believe changes the meaning and the sound and the purpose of the verse. Say the two versions of this verse out loud a few times and see how the verse changes.

Let me give another example:

John 3:16. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” 

This verse uses the word “for”, which in this case, serves the same purpose as the word “because”. 

Yet again, God put His reason before His actions. 

Because He loves us, He gave us eternal life. 

Because He loves us, we have been made alive in Christ.

With God, His love comes first!

These verses are written and translated the way they are for a reason. In these verses, God shows that His love is the reason for whatever is to follow.

What would it look like then to live our lives with our reasons before our actions? 

What would it look like to go out with the mentality of “Because my God loves you, and because I will love you, I will serve you” ?

1 Thessalonians 2:8 shows this idea in action. Paul is writing to a church in Thessalonica that he helped establish. He says, “Because we loved you so much we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God, but out lives as well.”

Go love others. Go share the heart of Christ with others. But remember your reason. Remember that because God first loved us so much, He sent His son to die. Remember that because God loved us so greatly, He gave us a chance at eternal life! Remember your “because” as you go and love others.

“We love because Christ first loved us” (1 John 3:19)

Psalm 91:14.   “Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.”
2 Chronicles 9:8.   Because of the love of your God for Israel and his desire to uphold them forever, he has made you king over them, to maintain justice and righteousness.”
Ephesians 2:4-5.   But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved),
Deuteronomy 4:37.   Because he loved your ancestors and chose their descendants after them, he brought you out of Egypt by his Presence and his great strength,
Deuteronomy 7:8.   But it was because the LORD loved you and kept the oath he swore to your ancestors that he brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the land of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt.
2 Samuel 12:25.   because the LORD loved him, he sent word through Nathan the prophet to name him Jedidiah.
1 Thessalonians 2:8.   Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.
Psalm 63:3.   Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.

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Do Not Worry

It’s been a while since I’ve uploaded on this blog. These past few months for me have been a time of a lot of growth and change. I’m really excited to share what God has been doing in my life, and I feel it’s time for me to start uploading what I’m writing again!

So to catch you up in my life, I am currently in my second month of college! I moved out and am studying marine science! Starting college, and all that comes with that has been a huge change for me. But if I’m honest, I’ve loved every minute of it. Normally, I am the type of person who plans things out months in advance and feels like I need to know what is happening in my life so I can be prepared. But with moving out, trying to find a job, making new friends, I have no idea what my future holds. And with the way things are working themselves out in my life, I have no clue what even next week will look like, no less the next year.

However, throughout all this change, I haven’t been frightened. Through this time, I’ve been reading my bible and speaking God’s promises over my life. Spending time with God has allowed me to see life in a different way, and God has spoken so much to me.

Recently, the words on my heart are praises about how good our Father is to us, and how we don’t have to worry in our lives. God loves us so much and promises to take care of us. Especially in a time of change, we can speak these promises over ourselves and know that God is going to take care of the situation. In Romans, it tells us of our father’s love for us: “He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32) He sent his son for us, and he will bless us. God promises to give us all things, and that our lives will be good.

God promises to take care of us.

And God promises it will be good!

God loves his children and will take care of us: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). Knowing this, we don’t have to worry. We don’t have to worry what our future holds. We don’t have to worry about our current troubles. We don’t have to worry about finding a job. We don’t have to worry about moving miles away, or having to find a new church. We don’t have to worry about finding friends. Because God is in control. For we can make our plans, but the Lord establishes our steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

God won’t hold back on us. He won’t hesitate to give us blessings, but we need to be ready to receive those blessings.

But part of accepting that promise is living as it is true. I encourage you to speak these promises over your life and learn what it means to know this deep in your soul. For when we know that God is in control, we don’t have to worry about finances, jobs, anything! Those things are just taking our attention away from what God has for us. We then lose sight of what God is doing around us. But if we live knowing God is in control of our days, we can spend our time loving those around is. We can spend our time being kingdom minded, and share God’s love and peace with others.

We don’t have to worry. God’s taking care of it!

And sometimes, we don’t know we are doubting. We love and praise God, but our lives reflect back doubt. Our lives show we are still trying to hold onto control of our lives because we are scared to give it away. We still try to plan out our own lives. We still try to micromanage, but give God control. We have to love the Lord with all that we are. Then we can live in that faith, because we know who is supporting us.

We don’t have to focus on what we don’t have because God is in control.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight”

(Proverbs 3:5-6).

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Waiting; Speak Life

There’s been a lot on my mind lately. Recently, I’ve been trying to figure out where I am in life, and where God wants me. But, I haven’t really been feeling it. It’s been hard trying to follow in the everyday plans God has if I don’t know what the plans are.

In this place, I’ve been becoming a little bit discouraged and felt a little bit lost. What do I do if I don’t know what I should be doing? I feel like I’m trying to cook a meal I’ve never made before, but I don’t have the recipe.

What I’ve learned, so far, in this time of waiting in my life, is reflected in the song “ Speak Life ” by Tobymac.

“Some days life feels perfect

Other days, it just ain’t working

Speak life, speak life,

When the sun won’t shine and you don’t know why”

This song, not only talks about taking action and showing love, but doing that unconditionally. Moving in this way, no matter what.

For during this time, a time of waiting and of confusion, we should still be following in the way that we know how. Living the life we know God wants us to live, even if we aren’t necessarily “feeling” God, as we have before. We know to love others and to show God anytime. That’s the way we should be living. Even if God feels distant, we still can be speaking the truth and love of Jesus into the lives of others.

I feel like we all, at some time in our lives, reach this “waiting” point. A point where we may not be 100% sure of what God is doing in our everyday lives. A time where we must have faith, and simply wait.

But while waiting on the Lord, do not become stagnant. Do not become useless idle and vulnerable. Do not become angry. My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry” (James 1:19). This applies not only in relation to other people, but in relation with God as well. If He seems like He is far away, or if He is not working, do not become angry with Him. And do not forget to listen! Sometimes, we talk, we seek, we pray, we cry too much so we cannot hear what God has to say. Maybe, in this time, God is speaking to you, but you are not listening. Be slow to speak, but quick to listen.

Also, know that you’re not alone. God has not deserted you. God is always with you. We do not know what God is doing, but God is always with you and is making great plans for you and later, you will understand.  (John 13:7, Jeremiah 29:11) Even the days where you feel far from God, and you feel like you cannot hear him, He is with you and is preparing you for the world. Or maybe preparing the world for you. God is preparing an amazing time for us. And He will give us all great things, to those who keep in hope, who love Him and each other unconditionally, and trust in His plan. (Romans 8:28)

Most of all though, be patient. For me, in this waiting time, at first, I became desperate. Desperate for answers. Desperate for God. Desperate for something. So desperate, that I was missing what I could be doing for God. I was too busy to listen. Too busy to act. Too busy trying to find God. But, if we live for God, no matter how we feel, He will show up. “The word of God will not return void” (Isaiah 55:11). I could have been speaking life into others. I could have been spreading Gods love, but I was too busy even to see the already apparent evidence of God’s love in my life.

So in the time of waiting, be still, and remember who God is (Psalm 46:10). Know that God is with you, and will provide for you. Know and believe the power of Christ. Then, move with that. Love people. Live as God would have you live. Speak life and share love, and listen for God.

Lift your head a little higher,

Spread the love like fire,

Hope will fall like rain,

When you speak life with the words you say.

Raise your thoughts a little higher,

Use your words to inspire,

Joy will fall like rain,

When you speak life with the things you say.


~ Psalm 13 ~

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What if Mary said No; Mary Did you Know?

As we are now immersed in the Christmas season, we all begin to talk about one story mainly. The story of the birth of Christ. A moment that changed our lives. A story we all know so well. But what has been on my mind lately, is the story of Mary, Jesus’s mother. It’s so easy to see and admire her faith and her obedience. When the angel tells her that she will become the mother of an important child, she responds with, “I am the Lord’s servant, may your word be fulfilled” (Luke 1:38)

That is such a beautiful and honest response. I feel like we see this response and think ‘Well of course she would respond like this, she’s going to give birth to Jesus!!’  We know that they won’t find a room to stay in. We know she will give birth in a stable. We know of all of the things that Jesus will do. But Mary didn’t know. Yet she has a strong, blind faith.

We know the end of the story. She didn’t.

So, what if she said no?

For her being pregnant meant she would be shamed by society for being with child before being married. This could result in her death, as this was against the law. Not only that, but Joseph as well would be hurt though this.

So, what if she said no?  What if she ignored the angel and pretended it didn’t happen? What if she disobeyed God and somehow did not choose to receive the gift of being the mother of Christ?

I believe she could have easily said no, ignored the angel, and kept on living her life with Joseph, and Jesus would never have been born.

Think about the repercussions.

Jesus would never be born. His miracles would never have happened. He never would walk on water. He never would save the lives of thousands. He never would die. He never would save our lives too. I wouldn’t be the person I am today. I wouldn’t have the smile I have today, or the motivation, or the success, or the joy. I wouldn’t have the friends I have.

All if Mary said no.

Now, if she had said no, God might have found someone else to give birth to Jesus to fulfill the prophecies and save us, but that’s not the point I’m trying to get to here.

He had asked Mary. And Mary said yes.

Luke 1:46-66 shows Mary’s response. Read those verses and see of the joyous praise Mary writes. That song is not of fear and of hesitation, but of praise and thanksgiving and knowledge of the glory and power of God. It’s a testament of Mary’s blind faith. She didn’t know what God had for her, yet she praised the opportunity to be chosen by God to do His work. No excuses. No doubt. But trust. Faith.

The song “Mary Did you Know” is one of my favourite songs during this season, (Watch one of my favourite versions here Mary Did you Know? -PTX) That song simply asks if Mary had any idea what would come of her son and of her obedience. But no. She didn’t.

In the same way, we don’t know what God has for us in our lives.

Every time we respond to a situation, we are affecting our futures.

To be extreme about it, what if you’ve been faced with an opportunity that is as important and life changing as the birth of Jesus, but you said no. That’s it. No chance, but your response, your one word reply, stopped an event as significant as the birth of the son of God, the creator of the universe and ruler of the world. Your response stopped millions of people’s’ lives being saved. Now, I may only speak for myself, but I don’t want to miss an opportunity like that!

So when faced with opportunities, are you responding through your fear, or your faith? Uncertainty, or trust? Doubt or trust? For if we turn away opportunities because we might be hurt, we are becoming a slave to the world. When we follow what God asks, we might be shamed by the world. But that’s because if you’re following God, you’re spreading His kingdom and His kingdom is not of this world! Mary would be shamed by her society, yet she had favour from God.

When you are given opportunities that may scare you, hold tight in your faith and keep going. Hold up your cross and press on. Find strength in the Lord and remember his promise to do great and wonderful things. Do not fear what is to come, fear what would be if you said no.

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Recently, as school has begun and life has finally resumed at full speed, I’ve found myself honestly getting lost in the repetition of life. I had known that this year would be different. I could feel it. I knew God was going to make this year great; He promised it would be.

But I kept asking myself “How?”  How is He going to use me? How is He going to give me amazing story. How am I going to do these things? I asked these questions in a place of undetected doubt. How could He ever use someone as unqualified as me for His kingdom? I didn’t feel that I was doubting at the time. But as I asked, “How?” I was focusing on how imperfect I was, instead of how powerful He is.

When I realized the doubt I had in my mind, I knew it was time to reflect, time to change this mindset into the mindset of Christ. It was time for me to go all in. All or nothing. That I must take steps deeper into my faith. That this is what God wants for my life. To trust in His power instead of focusing on what I lacked. This would be a change. I didn’t know what this meant for me, I still don’t really, but God is asking more from me. More from my lifestyle. More from my heart. Just for more, because I have been holding back so much.

In this change of perspective was the answer to my “How”. God was going to do more when I give more. But what I’ve come to realize is that “How” He is going to do things isn’t really as important. He’s a mighty and amazing God who has so much power. He made the Earth move. He formed us all and has given us individually a purpose in life. He promises to protect us and provide for us, so “How” He was going to do it isn’t the question.

We don’t need to know “How”, but I believe we do need to know “Why”.

There are two ways this question can go. This first can start with an understanding of “Why” God does what He does. Why would anyone, especially the creator of the universe, want to send their son as a sacrifice for us? Why would He chose to love such an imperfect species? Why would He create us?

Those are the big “Whys”. But in these answers, you begin to see the love God has for us. He’s done all of this out of love for us. Pray on these questions and see how much that God cares for us. In these answers, you will learn about God’s personality and character.

Another “Why”, that I’ve been really focusing on, is “Why” I have personally chosen to commit my life to God. It’s such a big decision, it’s life changing, so why did I do it in the first place? I’ve been living as a Christ follower for years, but I thought about this question of “Why”, my first responses were simply statements of who God is. Why do I follow Christ? “Because He’s awesome.” “Because God is good.” “Because He loves us.” All that being true, that still never really answered “Why”. For my individual life, why have I chosen to follow God? Learning to answer this “Why” every day has challenged me to praise Him in my choices, actions, words, and my life. My answers to my “Why” are my testimonies, the experiences I’ve had with God, when God has spoken to me, or spoken through me. My answers to my “Why” are the expressions of my friend’s faces when they get to see who God is for the first time in a long time. My answer to my “Why”  is the reason I smile, even when the world is telling me to do everything but be joyous. My answer to my “Why” is the full and abundant life that I lead, where God has blessed me in many ways.

1 Peter 3:15 tells us to “always have an answer for the hope that you have in Christ”. This is not only for others, but also for yourself. We need to know why we have or faith. We need to know. If we do not know why we follow Christ, then what is the point? What does it all mean? If we don’t know why we are following Christ, then are we really doing it all for God, or for ourselves because once the focus is off of Him, it’s not about Him anymore. How can the focus be on Him if we don’t know our reason to worship Him?

What I’m trying to get to is this, have reason for your faith. What is praise without reason? I want you, whoever you are reading this, to take a moment and define right now why you have chosen to follow Christ, and then praise Him for that. Praise Him for all He is going to do in your life because of who He is. But it doesn’t stop there. For you have chosen God for a reason. So do something about it. Maybe this means sharing your reasons with someone. Maybe this means writing them down and reading them over frequently. Maybe this means moving and taking your faith more outwardly and taking action for the God who has done so much for you.

For me, the more I’ve been figuring out my “Why”, the more I’ve been learning about God and the more I’ve been seeing Him and His personality and His character. The more I’ve been answering my “Why”, the more reasons I find.

And if anyone who is reading this post who has not decided to follow Christ, let me just tell you that all that He can do is mightier and stronger than any Earthly thing weighing you down. He is love so powerful it can move mountains. He is grace stronger than any of the reasons holding you back. He is forgiveness and peace and He is life changing and if there’s one thing I’ve learned from defining my “Why’s it’s that no matter how hard life might seem, and no matter how much the world is against Christ followers, every single reason is worth it.

Living Boldly; Living Confidently in Who You are and Who God is


If any of you know me at all, I am an adventurous person with few opportunities to really be adventurous. So when my church offered a summer camp that was tent camping, hiking, and whitewater rafting, I jumped in on it right away. Part of me was kind of scared to go because I wasn’t sure who was going, or who I would know. But, I knew I needed to go and that through this experience, I would grow closer to my church family and closer to God.

I went into the camp with the thoughts of how God was going to speak to me. In summer camps I had gone to before, there were sermons preached to us and God worked through someone else to affect us. They were amazing experiences, but left me with the mentality expecting that God would change me and talk to me and better me to get to find the things that God had promised to me. I had the mentality that my camp experience was for me, if that makes any sense.

But, oh boy was I wrong!

During our camp, God had a different plan for our high schoolers. Every night we would have a campfire with our own church and the other groups would stay with their church as well. However, on the last night, we had a group campfire and the leaders asked our high school pastor to speak over the group. That was the moment our camp experience was turned around.

So, toward the end of Aarick’s message, he asked all of the high schoolers from our church to come forward so if anyone needed prayer they may come to us. This action fulfilled the visions that two separate people had been given about a group of people standing by the campfire, bringing the glory of God, bringing a revival.

Then, our church began praying for the kids of the other churches. We prayed for the leaders of their churches and the counselors of the camp. So much was going on and there were so many glories I cannot begin to describe, so many testimonies that I don’t even know about. Standing alongside my family in the presence of the Spirit was such and amazing and powerful feeling. Then, we got to pour into the lives of others and wherever all around the campfire, there were groups in prayer, people becoming new in Christ, dead hearts finding new life. There were groups praying ‘til quiet hours hit, and then they just continued in a quieter hush. But what God was doing was so loud that night. So loud and so big and so powerful.

The message that our pastor, Aarick, spoke was about David and Goliath and how God is bigger than any task we may seem to face. He used this story to described the extent of God’s strength and mightiness. During this message, I was reminded of a saying.

“I was you as you are, not how you ought to be”

As I thought of this line and was listening to the story of how God used a teenage boy to triumph in an impossible task, I began to really understand how big our God is and I began to truly believe that, no matter what I face, God will equip me with whatever I need to carry out His tasks for the Kingdom.

I went to this camp with the thoughts of how God was going to change me. I let my own thoughts become more important than being willing to listen to what God was planning.

God wants us as we are.

God wants to use us as we are.

God wants us to be willing so we can be used and be changed in the process.

Recently, I have been hearing the word “bold” often in the context of living boldly for God. That word has been used frequently in my church lately and has stuck out to me. But, what does it mean to live boldly and living boldly for Christ?

The word bold itself means, “not hesitating in the face of actual, or possible danger”. I found it interesting they used the word “actual” in describing danger. Because, in a spiritual living sense, doesn’t that fit so well?

This reminds me of how I often think about living out of our comfort zones. It is so easy to grow into a comfortable place in life and stay there. We do acts that may seem courageous to us, but if it’s not a risk, is it an “actual” danger?  This is not the bold faith that God calls us to have.

So what does “living boldly” mean? Living for God requires bold actions. It requires faith so large and trusting to step out in risky situations with no hesitations and complete confidence in God. Living for God is being so open and willing to His plan for our lives, completely disregarding our own comforts and concerns. So living a life boldly for God WILL mean taking part in acts that are so crazy that you may end up looking weird if God doesn’t come through. But part of that boldness is found in the faith and trust we have in our Father.

Living boldly is having a mindset where you are so ready and willing to attempt crazy things for God’s kingdom because you know, you really  know, that God will come through. It’s living knowing you may seem weird and crazy to others, but you know it’s not their judgement that matters, but the Father’s, who sees you risking your comfort for Him. For, if you shy away from uncomfortable situations, you’re missing opportunities for God’s glory to be shown. If you turn away from situations that may seem out of your comfort zone, you are making it about yourself, not making it about God.

God wants us as we are, but He wants all of us. This was so clear to me at camp this week. I took one step of faith by simply going. But, I didn’t think I would be praying over students, or over leaders. Because after all, I am just a high schooler. However, He showed me that living boldly is living confidently in who you are and being confident of who God is. If we know who God is, then surely, we know that He can do all things.

Living like that, is living boldly.


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My Junior Year

A years ago, in a blog post, I wrote about my fears of junior year. I was frightened for this year and I felt I would be overwhelmed. It’s crazy to see now, a year later, how God has answered my prayers and carried me through every situation in my rough and crazy year.

Let me just to recap my junior year. In the post last year, I wrote how I was scared for my academics. Originally, I was enrolled in five academic classes, three of which were AP classes. But at one point this year, I was enrolled in nine classes. Second semester, I added an independent photography class so I can be in AP Photography next year. I was part of an amazing musical at a college and performed for an audience of over 1000 people. There was a month where I was out of town every single weekend in different places, experiencing many new things. I still don’t know what I want to do for college or career; I have a huge love for marine science but also a heart for ministry. I cut my hair short, which was a big change for me, chopping off about a foot of my long curly locks. My days were spent going from place to place, always on my way to my next activity. My nights were late and long, filled with hours of homework and studying. Academically, I ended the year 23rd in my class and was on the honor guard for graduation, standing beside my best friends. I was involved in leadership in both band and choir. I have grown a lot musically and have had multiple solos in the concerts this year. I was awarded Most Outstanding Junior in choir and will Assistant Section leader for the trumpets in band. This past year, I began participating in the worship band for our church and youth group and am involved in a small group with some of my best friends.

It honestly still seems so unreal to me. I still cannot believe I made it out alive! But if I’ve learned one thing this year, it’s that God is good and faithful. This year was a test for me. It was a test of my faith and my strength. It used to be that every day was a battle for me. A battle against myself. But this year, God has taken away my stresses and blessed me in ways I never could have imagined.

Most of all, this year has been a period of growth personally. I’ve been blessed with many new friendships. I’ve grown closer with those who I already knew and loved. I’ve met new people who have influenced me in mighty ways. I have had the opportunity to help and counsel others. I’ve grown a lot in my spiritual life and gotten to witness God work miracles. When I called out for the Lord, He answered me. When I asked for God to reveal Himself, He did. When life went so fast it looked like a blur, God gave me serenity.

It seems kind of fitting that last years post was about Peace in the Storm, a major theme of my junior year. But just as I had no idea what was in store for me junior year, I have no idea what the future hold. But with all that I have learned this year, I know, I trust, and I believe that God will be with me through it all, and will surprise me with a life better than I could ever have imagined.



Backseat Driver – TobyMac

Backseat Driver – TobyMac feat Hollyn and TRU


Ever since TobyMac’s new album has come out, I’ve basically been listening to nothing else. It’s easy for me to say that I instantly fell in love with all of the songs on this record, but today I really deeply listened to Backseat Driver, featuring Hollyn and TRU. I’ve seen both TobyMac and Hollyn in concert and I love their music. But today this song really stuck out to me and how really centers on the idea of full surrender, an idea that has been passing through my head for the past few weeks.

I fairly recently got my driver’s license; in May I will have had it for a year. Still, everyday, I always get in my car and wonder who decided to let little young baby me be in control of a car. Then I remember that I’m not a baby anymore and the responsibilities of the world are just beginning. I drive now. I have a job. I’m looking seriously at colleges. I’m deciding what my senior year will look like and the college years after that. It’s all happening now, and I really don’t want it to, because I know it will be hard.

Also, I’ve decided I hate driving. Driving is boring. When you have your permit, you must have someone in the car. You’re never alone and always have someone to talk to. But now with as much driving as I do with my license, I get really tired of talking to myself, then I endlessly sing show tunes, or blast classical music, or 80’s, or jazz, or Disney, or this weird “African Sounds” cd that I have that’s basically wind and crickets. I get really bored on my own in the car. Driving is scary. Just on the short drive home from school today, there were four people who made stupid decisions around me and I used my horn three of those times. It’s also the first time I’ve used my horn, so I was frightened.

But I was thinking today, while listening to this song, about really giving up the wheel.I can’t imagine while I was driving, just fully letting go of the wheel. But does that show my commitment in faith? Now I know that I will never actually ever let go of the steering wheel and watch and see what happens, but I know for a fact, in my faith, I do have hesitations.

What I really love about this song is how I feel it connects so well to me. Personally, in my faith I know I do trust Him. In the analogy of driving a car, God is definitely behind the wheel, to which I am very grateful. However, this song brings up the idea of a backseat driver: Definition: 1. “a passenger in a car who gives the driver unwanted advice” 2. “a person who is eager to advise without responsibility.” So, we may not be driving, but are we in life sometimes telling God what we want, giving unwanted advise. I love this: “eager to advise without responsibility”.  When we decide to give our life to Christ, we give Him responsibility in our lives. We surrender and ask God to take the wheel. But, living as Christians, there are often times in our lives where we still try to be in control.

The words of this chorus just really accentuate the level of surrender that is happening in this song. This is from the place of someone who has committed to Christ, but still yearns for more. They have this feeling of longing, thirst, for God. It’s so hard sometimes to admit that there is still more you can do with your walk with God because it’s easy to love Jesus, pray, read, and call it a day. But I know that there can be so much more to life and I know that God has great plans and a lot of amazing things planned for us. What would it look like if we all honestly felt and followed the message of this song? What would our lives look like? What about our futures? As I’m growing up and addressing the future, it’s so easy for me to become the backseat driver and puts in my thoughts of what I want for my future, when God has even better plans for me.

What areas of your life are you giving God unwanted advise? Listen to this song, and then talk with Him on where your voice is becoming louder to you than Gods, and then try to hear Him. I pray and know that He will show up and take you on an amazing journey.

