So this week all the sophomores had to take the high school exit exam. It was really simple and left me with a lot of time to read afterwards. One of the things I brought with me to read was my journal that I started in 2012 and wrote notes in about the messages I heard at church or at camp. I’ve also written little notes and responses in it.

Journalling is something that someone once told me I should do. It’s been so useful to get my prayers down and to put my thoughts into writing. For anyone who doesn’t journal, I highly suggest starting. It’s such a great way to really expand on what God has been putting in your heart. It’s been fun looking back at the things I’ve written and I was thinking I would share some of it with you.

April 2012: “I need to be a person who takes the opportunity of the moment and just share/show God. Just 20 seconds of bravery. Just 20 seconds to be brave. 20 seconds of worry, but hours of satisfaction and glory. Then you will be brave once it happens because you’re less likely to back out. Be a doer, not a thinker”

I still remember the circumstance under which I wrote this. We had a preacher come into our christian club at the Jr. High, and he spoke about being brave because it will glorify God and therefore benefit us, because we know that God is being praised. It’s important to take action. Each day thousands of opportunities present themselves so we can act as a part of the body of Christ, but how often do we let those pass? We skip out on a time where God can be praised. We skip out on a time to show appreciation for the One whose done so much for us.

August 2013: “So you know how some people obsess over things like, ‘OMG He texted me back!!! This is the best thing EVER!!!!’ Or how I get excited when characters in books do great things. We get excited to show how much we care for that person (or character) and how much we think about them. We show this emotion to show how excited we are that just thinking about them makes us this happy. This reflects how God feels about us. God celebrates every time we acknowledge Him and how much He thinks about us. As humans, we sin and do things for ourselves. But God is perfect and loves us, not for himself, but for us. He sits and waits for us to “text” Him back, to run into His arms, to talk to Him. A relationship with Him is the greatest relationship that can ever be formed.”

I often think about this. I get so excited over nerdy celebrities or over fictional characters. It’s so cool to think that this is how God feels when we think about Him. That just makes me want to think about Him more and love Him more. I also believe this works in the opposite way. If I get so worked up over people who don’t even exist, shouldn’t I even get more excited to have a chance to be able to talk about God??? This perspective has definitely effected my life. There are times when I go to one of my close friends and just get so excited over how amazing my God is and that He loves me and He died for me. DIED! FOR ME!!!!!!!!  I believe if we all became more excited about Christ and His power and love that we would be more motivated to share Him and to show His love and awesome power.

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