It’s been a while since I’ve uploaded on this blog. These past few months for me have been a time of a lot of growth and change. I’m really excited to share what God has been doing in my life, and I feel it’s time for me to start uploading what I’m writing again!

So to catch you up in my life, I am currently in my second month of college! I moved out and am studying marine science! Starting college, and all that comes with that has been a huge change for me. But if I’m honest, I’ve loved every minute of it. Normally, I am the type of person who plans things out months in advance and feels like I need to know what is happening in my life so I can be prepared. But with moving out, trying to find a job, making new friends, I have no idea what my future holds. And with the way things are working themselves out in my life, I have no clue what even next week will look like, no less the next year.

However, throughout all this change, I haven’t been frightened. Through this time, I’ve been reading my bible and speaking God’s promises over my life. Spending time with God has allowed me to see life in a different way, and God has spoken so much to me.

Recently, the words on my heart are praises about how good our Father is to us, and how we don’t have to worry in our lives. God loves us so much and promises to take care of us. Especially in a time of change, we can speak these promises over ourselves and know that God is going to take care of the situation. In Romans, it tells us of our father’s love for us: “He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?” (Romans 8:32) He sent his son for us, and he will bless us. God promises to give us all things, and that our lives will be good.

God promises to take care of us.

And God promises it will be good!

God loves his children and will take care of us: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). Knowing this, we don’t have to worry. We don’t have to worry what our future holds. We don’t have to worry about our current troubles. We don’t have to worry about finding a job. We don’t have to worry about moving miles away, or having to find a new church. We don’t have to worry about finding friends. Because God is in control. For we can make our plans, but the Lord establishes our steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

God won’t hold back on us. He won’t hesitate to give us blessings, but we need to be ready to receive those blessings.

But part of accepting that promise is living as it is true. I encourage you to speak these promises over your life and learn what it means to know this deep in your soul. For when we know that God is in control, we don’t have to worry about finances, jobs, anything! Those things are just taking our attention away from what God has for us. We then lose sight of what God is doing around us. But if we live knowing God is in control of our days, we can spend our time loving those around is. We can spend our time being kingdom minded, and share God’s love and peace with others.

We don’t have to worry. God’s taking care of it!

And sometimes, we don’t know we are doubting. We love and praise God, but our lives reflect back doubt. Our lives show we are still trying to hold onto control of our lives because we are scared to give it away. We still try to plan out our own lives. We still try to micromanage, but give God control. We have to love the Lord with all that we are. Then we can live in that faith, because we know who is supporting us.

We don’t have to focus on what we don’t have because God is in control.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight”

(Proverbs 3:5-6).

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