In our vacation Bible school a few years ago, when I was on the worship team, the children were asked to look for God in their surroundings. When they had seen God, they would write down their “God Sightings” and share them with their leaders. It was really amazing to watch these little children be so eager to strive for searching for their God Sightings. There are so many ways that children can be role models to us. But I feel like as we grow up, we could use a lot more of the enthusiasm of kids.

As I’ve gotten older and more mature, I’ve put a lot more effort into dealing with the situation, and a drastic amount less of effort into finding the solution. But it’s not about looking at the circumstances, it’s about looking at Jesus. I’ve written a lot about trusting God in the storms, but I feel like we sometimes miss the rainbows. God comes, but we don’t look for Him because we have our priorities on either praying or asking or worrying. We miss our chances to experience His miracles. We miss the answers to our prayers.

When we begin to see Him in our surroundings, we begin to find Him in our hearts. Actions repeated can easily become habits. So the actions that we do be full of good intention and glorifying to God. That way our habits are righteous ones. “God did this so that they would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far away from any of us” (Acts 17:27). God made the world so we have to search to find Him even though He’s closer than we think. Sometimes, it feels like He’s just so far away and that there’s nothing we can do to become close to Him. But in reality, He’s everywhere. Waiting for us to find Him. He is waiting for us to have enthusiasm and actively seek Him. “You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart” (Jeremiah 29:13).

I’ve been thinking of some ways I personally can look for God. First, mainly because I’m an organizer, I’ve made a list of all the things that I’m praying about. It gives me organization and reminds me of there is something I might have forgotten. It also helps me come to terms with what I am praying about and to fully confess it to God. Then, because I love games, I’ve been beginning to think of life as a puzzle, a search game! And I’m looking for my God Sightings! God is everywhere and He’s sending me answers to my life’s puzzles. They could be big, they could be small, but these hints or tools can help me through my life. I feel like this way will help me have an enthusiasm for looking for Christ around me. What are ways that you can write out your prayers? Knowing what your prayers are is crucial for knowing God Sightings when you see them. I’ve thought of a few crafty ideas or ways I can help myself keep track. But there are a lot of ways to organize your thoughts and prayers. Once you make the thoughts into something visual, you’ll be reminded to look for him in the world around us.

With the enthusiasm of the child’s, actively seek Him and you will find more than you thought possible. Keep your eyes open for your God Sightings and praise Him with your enthusiasm, commitment, and active heart.

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